Through art I was able to bring grace into my life.  I took the things that were most bothersome and made them the subject matter of art.  The toxin became the antitoxin, the medicine of art.”   ~Shaun Mc Niff, Art As Medicine

In Creative Arts Therapy sessions, we use creative therapy and counselling to support and encourage self-exploration and personal development.  It is appropriate for anyone who is interested in deeper self-awareness and personal growth, and no previous arts experience is necessary.

Sessions can be helpful for any age group, individuals, groups, couples and families, for a wide range of situations, including:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Mental health
  • Depression
  • Addictions
  • Creative blocks
  • Grief & Loss
  • Life direction
  • Relationships
  • Sexuality
  • Eating Disorders
  • Trauma
  • Self Esteem issues
  • Disabilities

Sessions are also useful for people who wish to access their more intuitive, creative selves and have the opportunity to explore a variety of arts modalities.

Through group or individual sessions, we can use drawing, painting, body awareness, mindfulness, movement, dance, meditation, writing, clay, music, symbols and more to explore authentic expression, access new insights and understanding.  We can use these creative modalities, in combination with talking, to investigate important issues and ideas in a holistic, empowering way.

Using the arts as a method of representation and communication has been occurring since ancient times.  Creative processes are helpful in self-knowledge as they can assist in accessing emotions and experiences in a different, more multi-modal way than through verbal communication alone.  Sometimes we can illuminate issues from a different perspective, other times a spontaneous creative representation can convey essences that words alone cannot express.

Additionally, Creative Arts Therapy sessions can be valuable for individuals or groups who are in the therapeutic profession and who require professional development, supervision or self-care.