“I am a woman giving birth to myself.”
When pregnant, most women are directed towards mainly looking after their physical conditions. Often there is not enough acknowledgement or nurturing of the wide range of emotional experiences of pregnancy.
This is an invitation to women in any stage of pregnancy, to join us for these empowering, inspiring groups, to explore the personal joys and challenges we face along the journey into motherhood. We will use painting, drawing, writing, body awareness, gentle movement, mindfulness and more to come to a deeper understanding of your strengths as a woman, any hopes and fears you may have about birthing and mothering, and to celebrate this most amazing time in your life!
No previous arts experience required.
Upcoming Pre Natal Wise Women’s Groups
To Be Confirmed..
If you’d like to receive an email update for details of future Wise Women’s Groups
please join the email list using the form below.
**Pre Natal Private Sessions also available.
To make an appointment or for more information please go to Private Sessions
Past Wise Women’s Groups
Sunday 15 April & Sunday 20 May, 2012 10 – 4 pm
MIECAT Studios, 17 Victoria St, Fitzroy
$160 per day, including all materials